What to do in disaster scenarios

What to do in disaster scenarios
What to do in disaster scenarios. Hurricane season and tornado season are upon us -- as evidenced by twisters that took hundreds of lives in Missouri and the Midwest recently. There are everyday dangers as well: fires, accidents, vacation mishaps. You can prepare, but what would you do if ...
Stay safe in the ocean
What to do if you are trapped in the undertow?
What to do if you're caught in high surf?
What to do if a shark attacks?
Be ready for a tornado
What to do if a tornado strikes?
Prepare for flooding
What to do if the house is flooding?
What to do if a car is underwater?
Plan ahead for hurricanes
What to do if you are in a hurricane?
Earthquake readiness tips
What to do during an earthquake?
Avoid being a crime victim
What to do if you are being robbed?
What to do during a home invasion?
Ways to prevent car crashes
What to do if you are in a car accident?
Stay away from snakes and spiders
What to do if a snake bites?
What to do if a spider bites?
Fire prevention tips
What to do in a burning building?

Avoiding dangerous dogs
What to do if a dog attacks?
Stay safe in the air
What to do if an airplane crashes?
Be ready for boating safely
What to do if the boat sinks?
Dos and don'ts of lightning storms
What to do if you are struck by lightning?

Find all the answer on bing.com

Source: msn
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