Take Your Own Glamour Photos

Take Your Own Glamour Photos
Take Your Own Glamour Photos. Looking for a spectacular self-portrait for a special occasion? Before you go out and spend hundreds of dollars on an expensive photographer, you may have all the tools you need for your very own glamour photo session in your own home. 


1. The first thing to do is get help. Ask a close friend or family member to help you with your shoot. Make a plan for the time of day and where, keeping in mind the lighting during the day or evening.

2. Come up with your vision. What occasion is the glamour shot for? Weddings, engagements or graduations are just some special occasions, but make sure the photo shoot suits the occasion. Maybe shoot a local park, by the beach, or even outside your house. Think of scenery, placement, and lighting before you take a shot.

3. Become familiar with your digital camera and options. Cameras today have many great features available just for portrait picture taking. One option great to have during a glamour shot photo shoot is the timer option. Most timers can be set to 5 seconds, 15 seconds, or even 1 minute delays so you can comfortably get into your next pose before the flash goes off. Play around with lighting, zoom, different angles, and color formats like sepia or black and white.

4. After you have your vision, make up and wardrobe comes next. Go all out; get your hair done, new outfit, the works. If you can't make up your mind, take different outfits with you. Try playing a character and then being you, or dressy and then casual. Think of where you will be shooting- if you are outside bring a change of shoes or a blanket to sit on. If you are inside, set up a scene for you to work in and go with the mood.

5. Get familiar with your photo editor and printer. In your computer's picture gallery you can find lots of edit tools that are simple and easy to use. Using different edits on your photograph like crop, rotation, or other fun edits can really add to your photo, making a just-okay photo into a work of art. Photobucket is a great online photo editor with all kinds of edits that can be easily uploaded when you create a free account.

6. Your printer may also have some special features for photographs, especially if you have a picture printer. Printing in standard photograph sizes and even making cards, collages, or invitations are some of the features you can look for on your printer. Be sure to get the write kind of printer paper for the job. This is where you want to spend a little money. Sure there are many cheaper printer papers out there claiming to give premium results, but remember, the better the quality ink and paper, the better quality the photo.

7. Once you are done with your photos, you may choose to distribute them via email as well as print them. Safely send them as email attachments to friends and family or post them on your local social network. Fair warning on sending out photos, once they are sent or posted, it hard to get them back, so be sure to be satisfied with the photo and any potential viewers.

Tips & Warnings

Take multiple shots during a pose, so you have lots to choose from later.

Don't worry about making it perfect, that's what editing is for!

Bring extra batteries and make sure your camera is charged.

Bring fun props or changes of clothes for different themes.

Try unique or remote places for photos, but scout them out first with a buddy to be safe.

Be careful who you send your photos to there are a lot of creeps out there!

Remember to have fun and relax in your photos!

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