Signs She’s Not Into You

Signs She’s Not Into You
Signs She’s Not Into You. Every guy should realize a woman will show you signs if she is interested. No matter how solid you think your “game” is you, can’t win the heart of EVERY female (unless you think you are Arthur Kade) because every woman has their own ideal type of man. So, why waste your time with a woman who is not interested? If she gives you any of the signs below, it’s time to move on.

1. No Eye Contact Initially

Eye contact is EXTREMELY important in all aspects of courtship. I find it hard to understand how guys approach women without first getting eye contact. If she is not looking at you (or at least occasionally glancing over at you) she is NOT interested.

Approaching a girl that hasn’t made eye contact with you is like sneaking up on your buddy who is a Philly cop and grabbing his gun from his holster – sure you can do it, and you may even get away with it, but it highly unadvised.

So say you think you got eye contact and you approach her. If you approach her and she immediately looks away or is looking everywhere else (around the room) while you are talking, she is not interested in you.
2. Her Body Language Tells You Shes Not Interested

Guys here is a tip: Women don’t communicate 100% with their words. You need to check her body language.

How is she sitting or standing? If she is leaning away from you, turned away from you, not smiling or has her arms crossed she is not interested.

When the big screen pans on a the crowd at Sixers, Flyers, Wings games or concerts at the Wachovia Center its interesting to see which women like the guys they are with and which do not. The women who are not interested are usually turned away from the guy, on their cell phones, have their arms crossed or are talking to other people around her.

3. She’s Not Talking To You

Women love to talk when they are comfortable, so her silence is a clear indication she is not into you. Other bad signs include: When you ask her questions she does not respond, she gives one word answers, she nods or shakes her head to respond. These all indicate she does not want to learn more about you or share information about her that would let you get to know her (and are usually accompanied with no eye contact).

I was at a happy hour at Positano Coast when I saw a guy talking some poor girls ears off across the bar. I could tell she was not interested. She looked like she was an animal trapped in a cage trying to figure a way out to freedom.

4. She Doesn’t Ask You Personal Questions

Guys, you need to be extra careful with women in the entertainment/bar/restaurant industry. These women are being paid to smile, flirt, earn tips and just keep their job. If she is not asking you personal questions such as “do you have a girlfriend”, “what do you like to do in your spare time”, etc. she is not interested in you romantically and she is: Just being friendly, has a boyfriend, make tips or just doing her job.

For example: If you are able to get into Recess (One of the hottest and most exclusive clubs in Philly right now thanks to Ryan Dorsey) and you see one of the beautiful PhillyIn girls (Kate or Amber-Joi) dancing, chances are they will smile at you and may even dance, or flirt with you when they are on the floor, but that does NOT mean they are into you at all. They are on the clock, doing their job which is to ”enhance the atmosphere” with their good looks and awesome personalities.

5. She Increases the Distance Between You and Her

Check the distance between you and her. If that space is increasing, its not a good sign. Seriously, if you don’t get the hint with this one, I don’t know what to tell you. After she turns her back to you, the next move is run away with her girlfriends. If you have reached this point you have missed all the other signs.

I remember being at Finnigan’s Wake a few years back and seeing this guy talking to this girl at the bar even after the girl turned her back to him. All of her girlfriends were making disgusted looking faces at each other and giving him weird looks. I could see her inching away from him, but he kept moving in. Her and her friends then collectively sprinted for the ladies room like they saw an enormous spider.

Source: phillyin
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