No Equipment Travel Workouts

+No Equipment Travel Workouts
+No Equipment Travel Workouts. No matter what your fitness level, there are times where you will not have any exercise equipment available to you. Whether that’s because you enjoy working out at home, away from the hustle and bustle of the gym or because you’re a die-hard gym rat on vacation, you need a workout that you can do without any equipment at all!

The following workout can be done with no equipment and should be performed on two or three nonconsecutive days per week. Make sure you warm up with some light stretching and a quick (5 minute) jog.

Beginner: Do each of the following exercises for 1 set, 15 – 20 repetitions.
Intermediate: Each of the following for 2 – 3 sets of 15 – 20 reps. Take a short rest between sets.
Advanced: Each exercise for 3+ sets of 15 – 20 reps. Take a short rest between sets.

If you need to make these exercises more challenging, try
(a) using one limb at a time – one legged squats, one arm pushups, etc;
(b) slowing the reps down and taking 8 – 10 seconds to complete each rep;
(c) concentrate on working the muscles as hard as possible.

The Workout:

Squats: Place your feet shoulder width apart and tighten your abs. Puff your chest out and slow squat down, sitting back on your heels and keeping your chest up, shoulders back, and chin neutrally aligned. Go to 90 degrees (the crease of your hip should be below your knee) and return.

Calf Raises: Use a chair for balance, if needed. Lift one leg off the ground. With the other leg slowly push up onto your toes, so that your heel comes off the ground. Try to extend as high as possible. Lower back down and repeat.

Lunges: Stand with one foot 3 – 5 feet in front of the other. With your weight evenly distributed over each foot, lower yourself towards the floor. Your front leg should make a 90 degree angle at the knee. Your back leg should be close to 90 degrees. Do not allow the front knee to extend over the toe. Contract your glutes and push through your front heel to return to the upright position.

Walking Lunges: The same as lunges, except link them together by taking a giant step forward with your lead foot. Make each rep 1+ lap around the room.

Pushups: Place hands just outside shoulder width, place knees or toes on the ground. Tighten your abs and lower your body down, keeping your head, butt, and heels in perfect alignment. Touch your chest to the ground and come back up.

Standing Side Leg Lift: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, using a chair for balance if needed. Slowly lift your right leg to the side, keeping your toes, ankle, knee, and hip aligned. Raise your leg about two feet and slowly lower it back down to the ground.

Dips: Using a chair or bench, put your hands next to your hips. Lower your hips in front of the chair, using your arms to support your upper body. Continue lowering until your shoulders are beneath your elbows. Keep your body close to the bench or chair. Raise up for one complete repetition.

Back Extensions: Lying face down with hands behind your back. Lift your upper body a few inches off the ground, keeping your neck, shoulders, and head aligned. To increase the difficulty, contract your glutes and hamstrings and lift your legs off the ground. Hold for 4 seconds.

No matter what your ability, this simple workout can deliver a safe, effective workout in pretty much any situation. You don’t need any fancy equipment and there are no long lines or crowded gyms to deal with. To enhance your physical performance and achieve your fitness goal, whether that be muscle gain, toning, or weight loss, try combining this workout with a healthy diet and proper supplementation. You should be consuming between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body mass. You can find protein in foods like red meat, chicken, turkey, tuna, and nuts. Eat plenty of leafy greens such as spinach and arugula. And make sure to drink plenty of water – 64 ounces per day will keep your body hydrated and performing optimally.

In addition, consider adding a supplement to your workouts. If your goal is to build a fitter, toned, or stronger body then you need to give your body the amino acids, sugars, and other essential components it needs to build strong, healthy muscle. You can increase your endurance and work capacity dramatically by adding a nitric oxide supplement to your routine. Not only does it increase blood flow to your muscles, but it a key component of driving the necessary muscle-building compounds to your muscles. It will also decrease your recovery time, prevent injuries, and make you a stronger, better athlete.

Source: articlesbase
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