Lindsay Lohan positive alcohol test

Lindsay Lohan positive alcohol test
Lindsay Lohan positive alcohol test. Lindsay Lohan is due for an unscripted court appearance Thursday after reportedly flunking an alcohol test while under house arrest.
The 12-stepping starlet will be hauled in front of Judge Stephanie Sautner for a surprise probation violation hearing, the Daily News confirmed.

Currently confined to her posh beachfront pad for misdemeanor theft of a diamond necklace, Lohan purportedly flunked one of two booze tests last week - not long after hosting a rooftop BBQ - reported.

Probation officials want the judge to toss Lohan in jail for defying the terms of her supervised probation stemming from two back-to-back DUIs in 2007, TMZ said.

Lohan's spokesman Steve Honig declined to comment.

Before reports of the dirty test broke, Honig told the News that the "Machete" actress axed an interview with "Today" show host Matt Lauer at the last minute Tuesday after he flew across the country to chat.

He said Lohan, who's bounced in and out of jail and multiple rehabs including Betty Ford, was caught off guard when Lauer arrived around 4 p.m. with intentions to tape a lengthy, in-depth piece for NBC's nighttime news program "Dateline."

Up until then Lohan thought she was primping for a 15-minute "check-in" segment for "Today," he said.

"Of course there was a little stress involved," Honig said. "She woke up thinking it would be a brief Today show segment. And you can't just all of a sudden go from that to let's sit down and talk about your life for two hours. She wasn't mentally prepared."

"There certainly are no bad feelings on our part. We'll bend over backwards to accommodate them going forward," he said.

A Today show publicist did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Lohan, 24, pleaded no contest last month to taking the necklace from a neighborhood jewelry store without paying for it.

"Matt was a perfect gentleman to her and very caring and compassionate. And Lindsay greatly appreciated that," Honig said. "This kind of interview is just better afterwards, when you're out of the woods, when you can look back and reflect a little bit."

Source: nydailynews
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