How to handle annoying roommates

How to handle annoying roommates
How to handle annoying roommates. One of the greatest learning opportunities a student receives when attending college is the chance to meet individuals from backgrounds insanely different from their own. Aside from the obvious benefits of a college degree and the parties, students learn a great deal about different personality types and how to handle new situations that are foreign to previous experiences.

One of these is discovering how to adapt to new roommates, some of which will talk constantly and present a new set of troubling issues for a serious student attempting to adjust to academia. How the situation is handled will determine if the school year is going to be a long, tense one or a peaceful period with personal differences resolved and forgotten.

A roommate that talks constantly may just be curious to learn about a new person, and once the information they are seeking is obtained, silence will be restored. Often a college student is away from home for the first time and may feel insecure and require a shoulder to lean upon, until they feel more confident in their current situation. Occasionally it is simply the nature of the roommate to enjoy the sound of their own voice – in these instances the dilemma can escalate to ridiculous proportions, and drastic measures may be necessary to keep one’s sanity.

The most basic way to politely let a college roommate know that they are too talkative is to simply state “I’d love to talk more, but I need to study”. To any rational mind this a round-about way of telling someone that silence is necessary. If this fails, an excellent trick is to put on head phones for five or ten minutes with no sound, and the roommate should get the message. If that does not resonate your need for quiet, get a friend or classmate to visit to study with you. Perhaps this person will be a bit more aggressive in telling your roommate to be quiet, and you don’t have to play the role of the “bad guy”. Other options are to study at the library or while sitting in the park during good weather as much as possible to avoid conversation.

After all else fails, as a last resort either yourself or you roommate will have to move. While the odds of your interaction progressing to this drastic point are slim, it is possible. In any case at least attempt to be civil during everything that transpires, because if the situation gets to this point chances are that your roommate has some serious mental health issues to address, and it is best that you stay removed from their wrath.

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