Dog Bites Sausage-Seller After ‘Vegan Assault’ Berlin

Dog Bites Sausage-Seller After ‘Vegan Assault’ Berlin
Dog Bites Sausage-Seller After ‘Vegan Assault’ Berlin. Hendrik Z., a 29-year-old “grill walker” – one of Berlin’s legion of small businessmen who wear a portable grill and sell hot bratwurst – got into a tiff with passing animal rights activists.The sausage seller told daily Berlin Kurier he was plying his trade at his usual spot on the Schlo Bridge in central Berlin when a demonstration by the activists passed by. Two of the protesters approached the sausage seller and tried to put vegan stickers on the clear plastic window that surrounds the grill.

“Of course I had to stop that,” he said. “I have nothing against vegetarians but I don’t let anyone force their opinions onto me.”

The situation escalated until one of his attackers, described as about 25, tattooed with earrings, pushed him to the ground and, he told the paper, kicked his leg.

A witness intervened to settle the dispute. However the 27-year-old witness’ German shepherd got excited and bit Hendrik Z. on the backside as he tried to get up.

The attacker fled back into the crowd of demonstrators.

Hendrik Z said: “Luckily I’m vaccinated against tetanus so I didn’t need to go to hospital.”

Source: germania
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