Modern Celebrities at Renaissance Era

Modern Celebrities at Renaissance Era
If today's stars were living during the Renaissance, perhaps they'd look that way. There are some very cool photos on which the stars look even better than at present.

Jennifer Aniston

Dustin Hoffman
Johnny Depp
Sharon Stone
Mel Gibson
Julia Roberts
Robin Williams
Scarlett Johansson
Harrison Ford
Angelo Bono
Eva Longoria
Michelle Pfeiffer
Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt
Cate Blanchett
Daniel Craig
Natalie Portman
Drew Barrymore
Natalie Portman
Dakota Fanning
Hugh Laurie
Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Aniston
Anne Hathaway
Amy Winehouse
Michael Jackson
Kate Winslet
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Johnny Depp
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Uma Thurman
Michael Jackson
Gwyneth Paltrow
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