Lindsay Lohan to play 'Carrie' in remake?

Lindsay Lohan to play 'Carrie' in remake?
Lindsay Lohan to play 'Carrie' in remake? LiLo Going To The Prom All Covered In Blood? : Another Hollywood remake and Lindsay Lohan is reportedly eyeing the role! After Stephen King talked about potenital actresses for the possible "Carrie" remake, telling Entertainment Weekly, "Lindsay Lohan as Carrie White...
hmmm. It would certainly be fun to cast. I guess I could get behind it if they turned the project over to one of the Davids: Lynch or Cronenberg," the headline-maker is reportedly looking to play the title character. she was "stoked" to hear the author mention her name and said working with King "would be epic." She is also reportedly looking to land a role in the upcoming big screen adaptation of "The Dark Tower."

Lindsay Lohan's, name has been mentioned by a famous author as a possible star in a remake of the classic horror film "Carrie". Lohan, 24, has reportedly said working on the film "would be epic."
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