Explicit Rihanna video

Explicit Rihanna video
Music TV broadcasters are to receive a dressing down from the media regulator after an unedited version of Rihanna's S&M video, containing scenes of "sexual bondage, dominance and sadomasochism", aired during the morning when children could be watching.

Ofcom has called broadcasters to an emergency meeting on the scheduling and compliance of "highly sexualised" music videos such as S&M, after finding music channel WTF TV in breach of its broadcasting code for airing the Rihanna promo at 11.25am.

The regulator is planning to lay down the law to all music TV broadcasters because this is the second incident of inappropriate scheduling of such content recently. Ofcom recently ruled against the broadcast of a racy Flo Rida video on MTV and Channel 4's 4Music that it deemed too sexualised for a pre-9pm watershed transmission.

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