Bay of Pigs 50 Years Later

Bay of Pigs 50 Years Later
 Bay of Pigs 50 Years Later. Fifty years ago today, Cuban forces fought back a battalion of invaders who aimed to cast out the country’s leader. Learn more about the invaders, their plan, how the attack played out and what it all meant for the United States.

Bay of Pigs Invasion
On April 17, 1961, U.S.-backed forces attempted to invade southern Cuba, but failed. The incident was part of an ongoing international power struggle.
CIA and Bay of Pigs Invasion
In March 1960, the CIA drafted “A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime” and got the green light.
Cuban exiles and Bay of Pigs plan
The CIA recruited Cuban exiles in this area, then gave them military training and equipment and appointed their leader.
April 17, 1961 Invasion Day
Exile forces landed on the Cuban beach, banking on a flawed plan — what was supposed to happen that  didn’t? Also, Castro had advance warning of the invasion and was prepared.
Bay of Pigs mission aborted
After three days, the event came to an unsuccessful end. The exiles blamed their failure on a broken promise. Many were imprisoned. What was swapped in exchange for their release?
Aftermath of Bay of Pigs
In the fallout, a U.S. representative to the United Nations denied the U.S. had been involved. The following year, Kennedy made a major declaration regarding Cuba.

Bay of Pigs’ impact
Tensions between the U.S. and Cuba continued to flare after the invasion. Read about developments that have kept U.S.-Cuban relations chilly to this day.
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