YouTube Rebecca Black video

YouTube Rebecca Black video
YouTube Rebecca Black video. If you had plans to celebrate the weekend by watching Rebecca Black's "Friday" video, you will need a Plan B.

The ubiquitous music video was yanked from YouTube admid a dispute over rights to the song and 13-year-old Black's image.

"We can confirm that we submitted a Take Down Notice to YouTube as a result of the dispute we have with Ark Music regarding the 'Friday' video," Black's rep told

Ark Music Factory, a vanity production company for aspiring young singers, produced the hit track and video earlier this year after Black’s mother bought a $4,000 package.

But according to Black's team, she owns the rights to both the song and her image.

In April, Rolling Stone reported that a lawyer for Black and her mother sent Ark a legal letter demanding the master copies of the song and video. The letter further accused the company of exploiting the teen.

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