Strange Funeral Customs

Strange Funeral Customs
Strange funeral customs. Funerals and burial customs are a significant part of all the religions and creeds.Each of them is different from one another.But some of them are so strange and bizarre that one can not imagine.Some of such burial customs that are followed by people and which I found really shocking,I am sharing here with you all.1. Sky Burial
This is really horrifying custom of burial being followed in Tibet.Monks are allowed to chop the human body and grind the bones and these remains are offered to the vultures.Similarly in the Zoroastrian religion,deceased are left on the top of the tower for the vultures to eat.

2. Hanging Coffins
The Bo People of China that are extinct now used to follow this custom of hanging their loved one’s coffins off a rock with the help of ropes caught on stakes.They preferred hanging their coffins instead of burying them in the ground.These people used to live what is now known as Southwest China.

3. Custom Fantasy Coffins
This is a very interesting burial custom.In it,a coffin is designed just like what one wish for in life.For example if someone loves to have a ride in airplane,he or she would be buried down in a coffin shaped like a plane.So that the dead person could enjoy it for eternity.

4. Under-Home Burial
This was another weird custom for burying followed by the ancient Maya Civilization.Those people used to bury their loved ones under their house to keep their loved ones close.

5. Strangling Family and Friends
This creepy and strange custom was followed by the Fiji.They used to held great funeral feast with many other festivities and at the end of all this some family member,friend or any servant is strangled and buried with the dead man so that in his next life his family and friends would be with him.Same traditions for burial used to be followed by the Ancient Egyptians and Chinese.There have been cases where servants, wives and even pets were buried with powerful and important men.

6. Sati
This tradition of Sati was followed in India in older times where a wife was burned alive with her dead husband to show her loyalty and devotion to her husband.Those people thought that this way the woman becomes a goddess.

7. Stripper Funerals
In China,it is beleived that your family gets more lucky if more people join the funeral of the deceased.So they make quite efforts to bring people there.They even do not avoid hiring exotic dancers for funeral processions.And to watch those dancers more and more people come here.

8. Famadihana
This custom is followed in Madagascar.After every seven years they dig up the corpses of their loved ones.A celebration is held.Their shroud is renewed and the old shroud is torn into pieces and those pieces are given to the new couples.They are supposed to keep it under their mattresses.To them it is helpful in conceiving the baby.

9. Ecological Funeral
This custom is followed in Sweden.If some one is dead,his body is reduced to powder through a specific process.As we all know that there are metals in our body,these metals are separated and reused in many other products.And the powder is put into a biodegradable container and buried down.As the container breaks,the remains absorbs in the dust.Those who are concerned about environment are turning more and more to this way of burial.

10. Space Burial
This is the most recent way of funeral.People have to pay almost $1,000 to send their body into the space on a missile.

11. Diamond Burial
It is another weird burial method.The body of the deceased is burnt and as a result it turned into ash.And as we all know that ash is carbon and diamonds are made of carbon.So this way many people get their loved ones transformed into diamond and keep it with them forever.

12. Mummify Yourself
This is a very hard and extreme kind of way to be buried.To mummify oneself,one has to undergone a special diet plan for three years.24 Buddhist monks have undergone this process of mummification.When the monk is ready,he gets into his tomb and live there until he dies.He is supposed to Ring The once in a day if he doesn't then then the other monks understand that he is dead and seal the coffin.

Source: indiancinemafans
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